“Tsay do Greisghilde” is the Sambahsa translation and adaptation into a novel of “Retour à Griseguilde”, an excellent fan-made sequel by Voyageur Solitaire to the famous gamebook “the Talisman of Death” by Jamie Thomson and Mark Smith.
Voyageur Solitaire has generously granted his authorization for the adaptation into Sambahsa.
Thanks to the Goldendict pop-up dictionary (http://sambahsa.pbworks.com/w/page/52788470/Sambahsa%20Dictionary%20for%20Windows%2C%20Mac%20and%20Linux ), many words can be instantly translated, or their meaning can be easily guessed by the reader. However, some derived words and compounds, though they may be entirely consistent with the grammatical rules of Sambahsa, are difficult to decipher. The aim of this document is to translate and explain such words found in “Tsay do Greisghilde”. They are indicated in blue in the novel, and you can use the search function to find them in this Word format document. This way, we hope that vocabulary key will make you familiar with word-formation in Sambahsa.
According to this rule (see the grammar), nouns and adjectives can bear optional endings indicating gender, number and case.
Apos + a = apsa = joints
Citadios = citad + ios = city (genitive singular)
Ekwens = ekw + ens = horses (accusative)
Elsi = els + i = his/her (before several living beings)
Ira = ir + a = their (before nouns of things)
Irem = ir + em = their (before a singular noun of living being)
Iren = ir + en = of their (before a plural noun)
Irens = ir + ens = their (plural accusative before living beings)
Irios = ir + ios = of their (before a singular, masculine or neutral, noun)
Irs = ir + s = of their (before a singular noun)
Niesen = nies + en = of our (before a plural noun)
Nosters = noster + s = of our (before a singular noun)
Verbal endings :
Before “-s” or “-t”, g & k turn to c-, and b to p.
Arct = ark + t = kept off, contained
Attract + attrag + t = attracted
Dehlcs = dehlg + s = you (thou) must
Protect = proteg + t = protected
Reg + t = rect = stretched out
Scrib + t = script = written
Tehrb + t = tehrpt
Tract = trag + t = pulled, drawn
Urg + t = urct = urges, is urging
“nasal infix verbs” :
Those verbs have an unstressed pronounced “e” as their last vowel, before or after “n/m”. They undergo no ablaut.
For the present tense, the unstressed “e” disappears everywhere it’s possible :
Brinegh + o = bringho = I bring
Glanez + end = glanzend = glancing
Spernend-ye = speren + end + -ye = by spurring
Spernte = speren + te = (you) spur
Surprined + end = suprindend = surprising
Yuneg + end = yungend = connecting
Likewise for the conditional :
Pregen + ie + t = (he/she/it) would imprint
Those both letters disappear for the past tense :
Ambhglanez > ambhglaz = looked around
Interposen > interpos = interpose = interposed
Posen > pos = laid down; pos + it = posit = (he/she/it) laid down
Speren > sper = spur > spurred
Spraneg > sprag = burst (pres.) > burst (past.) (transitive)
As well as for the past participle :
Stuned > studen = knocked
Von Wahl rules :
According to those rules, the past tense of verbs is obtained through a modification of their final letter(s)
D > s
Decid > decis + im = decisim = I decided
Edd > ess + am = we ate
Land > lans + am = lansam = we landed
Vid > vis + im = I saw
Rg > rs
Emerg > emers = emerged
Merg > mers ; + im = mersim = I dived
Porg > pors = showed, gave
Urg > urs = urged
Ct > x
Plect > plex = shrugged
Reflect > reflex = thought about ; reflexim = I was thinking about
Tt > ss
Flott > floss + am = flossam = we floated
Ablaut :
“Ablaut” is phenomenon according to which the central vowels of some words undergo a mutation for the past tense.
ehC > ohC
Ambhspehc ( = ambh [around] + spehc [to look at]) > ambhspohc = looked around
Ambikwehl > ambikwohl = bustled around
Antwehrd > antwohrd = answered
Diaspehr > diaspohr = dispersed
Disprehp > disprohp = disappeared
Mehld > mohld =indicated
Persehkw > persohkw + it = persohkwit = (he/she/it) pursued
Pfwehng > pfwohng = dilated
Sbehrst > sbohrst = broke up
Schehnk > schohnk = poured, gave
Sehrp > sohrp = wound
Stehlb > stohlb = protruded
Stehmb > stohmb = stalked
Trehc > trohc + im = trohcim = I displaced myself, I moved ; + it = trohcit = (he/she/it) displaced (him/her/it)self; + eer = trohceer = they were heading
Vehrs > vohrs = paid, poured
Ei > i
Besteigh > bestigh = climbed up
Eiskw > iskw + -eer = iskweer = (they) sought
“eiskw- un werd + dat” = to ask someone a question”
etileikw > etilikw + it = etilikwit = (he/she/it) remained
Enderkweit > enderkwit ; + -im = enderkwitim = I distinguished
Leit > lit + eer = liteer = (they) went (figurative meaning)
Mantein > mantin = maintained
Neih > nih = guided, led
Steigh > stigh = went up
Tyeic > tyic = made, caused
Vergeih > vergih = avoided
Eu > u
Beleuc > beluc = lightened
Deusk > dusk = darkened
Engheulf > enghulf = rushed
Feug > fug + it = fugit = (he/she/it) fled
Kyeus > kyus = pointed out, chose
Mleu > mlu = said
Neuk > nuk = nodded ; + it = (he/she) nodded
Nisteurd > nisturd = slid down ; + it = nisturdit = (he/she/it) slid down
Veulbh > vulbh = wrapped
For verbs in “a”, the ablaut is optional, though often used :
Apterghang > apterghieng = followed
Attrag > attrieg = attracted
Clangh > cliengh = rang
Collabh > collieb = collapsed
Corbach > corbiech = used the crop on
Crack > crieck = cracked
Dwighabel > dwighiebel = forked
Enfall > enfiell = came to mind
Inikas > inikies = reflected
Jamb > jiemb = strode over
Kamyab > kamyieb + im = kamyiebim = I succeeded in
Kal > kiel = called
Parat > pariet = made ready; is pariet-se = he made himself ready
Plan > plien = planned
Protiedar = protiedier = tugged on
Rahat > rahiet = rested
Taragh > tariegh = rocked
Tarak > tariek = cracked
Udclangh > udcliengh = resounded
Udkardkasch > udkarkiesch = drew (one’s weapon)
Uperfall > uperfiell = fell on
Uperghang > uperghieng = went beyond
Wals > wiels = stationed
Wassal > wassiel = found back each other
Likewise, au > ieu
Stau > stieu = was standing upright
And ay > iey
Baygh > bieygh + am = bieygham = we belonged to
The sigmatic aorist :
With some verbs, often of Romance origin, an “s” is suffixed to the verbal stem to get the past tense, with the use of the conjugation endings.
Adduc > adduxeer = (they) led
Attrag > attraxit = (he/she/it) attracted
Collab > collapsser = (they) collapsed
Drah > drahsit = (he/she/it) ran
Ghyah > ghyahsit = it opened itself, was opened
Reg > rexit = (he/she/it) stretched out
Scrib > scripsit = (he/she/it) wrote
It can even be added to roots with ablaut, for reasons of euphony.
Kleu > (ablaut) klu. Klu + s + it = klusit = (he/she) listened to
Mleu > (ablaut) mlu. Mlu + s + it = mlusit = (he/she) said
Stau > (ablaut) stieu. Stieu + s + it = (he/she/it) stood upright
Past tense endings :
Those endings are only compulsory for verbs whose stem doesn’t undergo any modification for the past tense
Accelereer-se = accelere + eer + se = (they) accelerated
Controleer = control + eer = (they) controlled
Crucim = cruce + im = I crossed
Defileit = defilee + it = (it) streamed (figuratively)
Encouragim = encourage + im = I encouraged
Entram = entre + am = we entered
Entreer = entre + eer = (they) entered
Entrim = entre + im = I entered
Entrit = entre + it = (he/she) entered
Ghensim = ghens (past tense of “ghend”) + im = I took
Installim = installe + im = I installed ; installit = installe + it = (he/she/it) installed
Intervenit = interven + it = (he/she/it) intervened
Katuit = katue + it = (he/she/it) fought
Murmurim = murmure + im = I muttered
Passim = passe + im = I passed
Presente + im = presentim = I presented, introduced
Protiokwit = protiokw + it = (he/she) stared at
Realisim = realise + im = I realised
Salutit = salute + it = (he/she) greeted
Sehr = seh + r = (they) sowed
Servit = serve + it = (he/she/it) served
Stressit = stress + it = (he/she/it) stressed
Tentim = tente + im = I attempted
Wakyit = wakye + it = (it) happened
Verbs ending in “ie” may replace the “e” with a “c”;
Crie + it = cricit = (he/she) shouted ; cricim = I shouted
Explie + it = explicit = (he/she) explained
It can be expressed with the suffix “sie-“
Acceddsiet = accedd + sie + t = (he/she/it) will have access to.
Antwehrdsiem = antwehrd + sie + m = I will answer
Dehlcsies = dehlg + sie + s = you will have to
Feucsiet = feug + sie + t = (he/she/it) will flee
Ghehdsiem = ghehd + sie + m = I’ll be able to
Ghehdsiemos = ghehd + sie + mos = we’ll be able to
Gwehmsiemos = gwehm + sie + mos = we will come
Gwehmsient = gwehm + sie + nt = (they) will come
Gwivsies = gwiv + sie + s = you will live
Imdadhsiet = imdadh + sie + t = (he/she/it) will aid
Khacsiet = khak + sie + t = (he/she/it) won’t be able to
Maghsiem = magh + sie + m = I may
Marchesiemos = marche + sie + mos = we will march
Mehmsient = mehm + sie + nt = (they) will remember
Pancsiemos = paneg (nasal infix verb) + sie + mos = we will settle
Permittsient = permitt + sie + nt = (they) will permit ; permittsiet = (he/she/it) will permit
Poittsiete = poitt + sie + te = you’ll have the right to
Ralliesient = rallie + sie + nt = (they) will rallie
Reicsiemos = reik + sie + mos = we will return
Retrehfsiet = retrehv + sie + t = (he/she/it) will find back
Stambhsiet = stamebh (nasal infix verb) + sie + t = (he/she/it) will keep from
Stehmsient = stehm + sie + nt = (they) will support
Swehpsiet = swehp + sie + t = (he/she/it) will sleep
Tehrpsiemos = tehrb + sie + mos = we’ll need to
Tehrpsies = tehrb + sie + s = you’ll need to
Tehrpsiet = tehrb + sie + t = (he/she/it) will have to
Tolcsiemos = tolk + sie + mos = we’ll talk
Wakhsient = wakh + sie + nt = (they) will watch
CONDITIONAL (“would” + verb) :
Sambahsa adds “-ie-“ + present tense endings. If the verb ends with a mute “e”, this one is dropped.
Darient = dar + ie + nt = (they) would hold on
Detegiet = deteg + iet = (he/she/it) would detect
Emiet = em + ie + t = (he/she/it) would take
Ghehdient = ghehd + ie + nt = (they) could
Kwehriems = kwehr + ie + ms = we would do
Revidiemos = re + vid + iemos = we would see back
Riskiems = risk + ie + ms = we would risk
Scrutient = scrute + ie + nt = (they) would peer into
Sehkwient = sehkw + ie + nt = (they) would follow
Solliems = soll + ie + ms = we should
Tehrbient = tehrb + ie + nt = (they) would have to
Verbs with an ablaut in “ei” or “eu”, undergo such an ablaut, and add “-es”
Antreus > antruses = to rely on
Besteigh > bestighes = to climb up
Betreus > betruses = to confide
Credeih > credihes = to believe
Dispareih > disparihes = to disappear
Enderkweit > enderkwites = to distinguish
Forleus > forluses = to shake off
Leur > lures = to set free
Mantein > mantines = to maintain
Meil > miles = to enjoy
Neih > nihes = to guide, to lead
Preim > primes = to receive
Teup > tupes = to hide oneself
Vergeih > vergihes = to avoid
“Nasal infix” verbs lose the unstressed “e”:
brinegh > bringhes = to bring
cumebh > cumbhes = to lay down.
Dwinegh > dwinghes = to compel
Erem > ermes = to row
Keren > kernes = to surround
Kussen > kunes = to kiss
Lambhen > lambhnes = to seize
Paneg > panges = to settle, fix
Posen > pones = to lay down
Speren > spernes = to spur
Other verbs whose last syllable is stressed simply add an “e” (often unpronounced) :
Incurr > incurre = to run (a risk)
Pand > pande = to bet
Uperdeh > uperdehe = to transmit
When a verbal stem already ends with an unstressed “e”, there is no change :
Installe = (to) install
The “past” infinitive and the active past participle use the same endings : -vs/-us
Installevs = installe + vs = having installed
There is an old infinitive word sometimes used after adjectives or nouns, in –tu
Baytu = bay + tu = to fear
Reuptu = reup + tu = (about) to be broken
Present active = (e)nd.
Ambikwehl + end = ambikwehlend = bustling around
Ark + end = arkend = moving away
Kreus + end = kreusend = shivering
Spraneg + end = sprangend = breaking up
Tente + (e)nd = tentend = attempting
Vank + end = vankend = flickering
Vibre + (e)nd = vibrend = vibrating
With the adverbal ending “-ye”, it makes a gerundive.
Abstaunend-ye = abstaun + end + -ye = being amazed
Glanzend-ye = glanez + end + -ye = by glancing
Regend-ye = reg + end + -ye = stretching out
Spehnd-ye = speh + nd + -ye = by hoping
Past (passive) = -t /-(e)n
Clauster + (e)n = claustern = clustered
Dishang + t = dishanct = undone
Du + n = dun = dressed
Du + t = dut = dressed
Em + en = emen = taken (figurative meaning)
Emitt + en = emitten = emitted
Maun + t + o = warned
Sculp + t + o = sculpto = sculpted
Seg + en = segen = cut
Tend + en = tenden = tensed
Uperdeh + n = uperdehn = transmitted
Uperdeh + t = uperdeht = transmitted
Verbs with an ablaut in eh, ei or eu undergo such an ablaut :
Adbehr > adbohrn = offered, consecrated
Balstehm > balstohmt = damned
Covehr > covohrn + o = covohrno = covohrna = covered = covohrt = covohrnios (with the singular, masculine or neutral, genitive ending)
Credeih > crediht = believed
Dehlg > dohlct = past participle of “dehlg” = “must”
Diaspehr > diaspohrn = scattered
Dreibh > dribhen = carried away
Endergwehm > endergwohmen / endergwohmt ; + ens = endergwohmtens = those who have taken refuge (accusative plural)
Exmehn > exmohnt = invented, forged
Gostpreim > gostprimen = given hospitality to
Grehv > grohft + o = grohfto = engraved
Gvehd > gvohden = prayed
Kehmb > kohmpt = bent
Kyehrsen > kyohrnen (kyohrsnen) = blackened
Leik > liken = played
Leizd > lizden / lizdt = bordered
Leus > lust = lost
Meizd > mizden = recompensed
Neic > nicen = killed
Neud > nudt = used
Perbehrg > perbohrct / perbohrgen = concealed
Persehkw > persohkwt / persohkwn = persued
Poleih > poliht = polished
Prispehc > prispohcen = attended, witnessed
Sellgwehm > sellgwohmt = welcomed
Seut > suten = appeased
Swehng > swohnct = brandished
Treic > trict + a = tricta = plaided, braided (neutral plural)
Uperkeih > uperkiht = dominate > dominated
Veulbh > vulbhen = wrapped
Veurn > vurnt / vurnen = wound > wounded
The Von Wahl rules apply for the “-t” participle of verbs without ablaut :
Compromitt + t = compromiss = compromised
Merg + t = mers = plunged
Precedd + t = precess = preceded
Previd + t = previs = foreseen
“Nasal infix” verbs lose the unstressed “e” and “n/m”, and can undergo Von Wahl rules.
Dverwen > dverw + (e)n +o = dverwno = harnessed
Dwinegh > dwigh + en = dwighen = compelled
Erem > er + (e)n + o = erno = rowed
Epterslahem > epterslah + (e)n = epterslahn = pulled up (a garment)
Paneg > pag + en = settled, set
Pineg > pig + en = pigen = painted
Trehen > treh + (e)n = worn out = trehto = treh + t + o
Yuneg > yug + en = linked
When there is no ablaut, “v” after a consonant turns to “w” before “t”.
Salv > salwt = saved; compare the English words “salvation” & “salute”.
In general, Sambahsa compounds follow the same order as English :
Adgumt = ad + gumt = “at-coming”, arrival
Aghyernluce = aghyern + luce = morning light
Aghyernsaat = aghyern + saat = morning hour
Aghyernwaurn = aghyern + waurn = morning sky
Aksterrudh = akster + rudh = bright-red
Angstgongu = lump (in one’s throat) of anguish
Annemlwond = annem + lwo + nd = breath-taking
Aunbayga = aun + bayga = unfortunate
Aungwis = aun + gwis = forceless
Aunharm = aun + harm = harmless
Aydsmosklad = aydsmo + sklad = wood stock
Bittertplen = bittert + plen = full of bitterness
Bliutengarb = bliute + n + garb = shower of sparks
Blougreis = blou + greis = blue-grey
Bronzegwozso = bronze + gwozd + t (turns to “s” because of Von Wahl’s rule) = bronze-studded
Caudaula = caud + aula = backyard
Clarcuit = clar + cuit = (with a) clear skin
Clarteint = clar + teint = (with a) clear complexion
Cochersedd = cocher + sedd = coachman’s seat
Cortsect = cort + seg + t = cut short
Cruorrudh = cruor + rudh = red of shed blood
Cuperlampe = cuper + lampe = copper lamp
Daunosoration = daunos + oration = funeral oration
Diewogintou = diewo + gintou = overflooded with sunlight
Duilcovohrn = duil + covohrn (past participle of “covehr”) = covered with dust
Duilnebh = duil + nebh = dustcloud
Einsghesor = eins + ghresor = sword-wielding
Exiledwighen = exile + dwigh + en = forced to exile
Exterannem = exter + annem = out of breath
Feltercolpak = felter + colpak = felt cap
Fenstercortins = fenster + cortin + s = window curtains
Frontnauk = front + nauk = front craft
Furorskeumend = furor + skeum + end = boiling with rage
Ghomdrabs = ghom + drab + s = downstairs
Ghyorayg = ghyor + ayg = mountain goat
Ginterdreska = ginter + dresk + a (plural) = amber fragments
Glasdresken = glas + dresk + en (genitive plural) = of glas fragments
Goldwohrcto = gold + wohrct + o = gold-wrought
Greisblou = greis + blou = grey-blue
Gvrenstruden = gvrens + truden = overcome by the heat
Hainesflamboyant = haines + flamboyant = flamboyant with hatred
Horrorheul = horror + heul = howl of horror
Jenchikalding = jenchi + kalding = cold fountain of the warrior
Kabusjenchis = kabus + jenchi + s = ghost warrior
Kaylpotion = kayl + potion = healing potion
Kelimcovohrn = kelim + covohrn = covered with a carpet
Kerdbats = kerd + bat + s = heartbeats
Keulreuyden = keul + reuyden = agricultural plant, farm
Kijieptors = kijie + ptor + s = pheasant feathers
Kweiterblou = kweiter + blou = light blue
Kwoidsask = kwoid + sask = wheat ear
Kyalbohndt = kyal + bohndt (past participle of “behnd”) = locked in a room = kyalbohnden
Kyonksleik = kyonk + s + leik = game of the shell
Lavandecolor = lavande + color = lavender colour
Leikenweik = gambling borough
Lietersaltamarka = lieter + saltamarka = leather doublet
Locbohndto = loc + bohnd + t = held prisoner in a certain place (loc), “place-bound”
Lughplen = lugh + plen = full of lies
Marmorstieupens = marmor + stieupen + s = marble steps
Metallgwozso = metall + gwozs (von Wahl rule of “d” + “t”) + o = metall-studded
Nedalg = ne + dalg = not far
Negnoht = ne + gnoh + t = unknown
Noctgumt = noct + gumt = nightfall
Noctwaurn = noct + waurn = nightsky
Nowstrehl = now + strehl = crossbow shot
Pennghesor = penn + ghesor = a penn in the hand
Petrabenk = petra + benk = stone bench
Piurnregwos = piurn + regwos = twilight of fire
Prigaloppeer = pri + galopp + eer = (they) rode by
Prigwehme = pri + gwehm + e = to come by
Priswehnde = pri + swehnd + e = to fade by
Proaiwo = pro + aiwo = forever
Protiewaurgend = protie + waurg + end = pressing against
Purkerd = pur + kerd = pure-hearted
Pwolkeihnd = pwol + keih + nd = half lying
Pwolschiawkienen = pwol + schiawkien + en = half erased
Rehmenkwehster = rehmen + kwehster = whisper of relief
Seddelholks = seddel + holk + s = saddlebags
Sellnoct = sell + noct = good night
Sirmatricen = sirma + tricen (past participle of “treic”) = plaited with golden threads
Skumdewers = skum + dewer + s = whirls of foam
Solspruzen = sol + spruz + en = “splashed” with sunlight
Solweus = sol + weus = sunrise
Strehlgrandwn = strehl + grandwn = hail of shootings
Strehlstiftor = strehl + stiftor = shooter
Swordlaquen = sword + laque + -n = black lackered
Swordptor = sword + ptor = black-feathered
Tavanbalwngs = tavan + balwng + s = ceiling beams
Teniforces = teni + force + s = forces of darkness
Teniptergen = teni + pterg + en (genitive plural) = of wings of darkness
Teugbrem = teug + brem = (with a) thick foliage
Transbordam = trans + borde + am = we transshipped
Ubdrabs = ub + drab + s = upstairs
Uperghieng = uper + ghieng (past tense of “ghang”) = walked beyond
Uperpleukend = uper + pleuk + end = flying over
Uperpluk = uper + pluk = flew over
Uperskadhen = uper + skadh + en = overshaded
Upersru = uper + sru (past tense of “sreu”) = overflooded
Urbwalls = urb + wall + s = city walls
Vegetationsecran = vegetation + s + ecran = undergrowth screen
Visionspetra = vision + s + petra = stone of seeing
Windbaub = wind + baub = roaring of the wind
Windkweistel = wind + kweistel = moaning of the wind
Windstrid = wind + strid = hissing of the wind
Woxsgill = wox + sgill = wax seal
Xentitegut = xenti + tegut = thicket of thorny bush
Xurnghalv = xurn (past participle of “xeur”) + ghalv = shaven-skulled, skinhead
Yusmee = yu + smee = you all (when refering to a certain group)
Sometimes, a genitival ending may be used :
Lient + s + noct = lientsnoct = summer(‘s) night
Compounds from Romance languages :
Loanwords from Romance languages and Latin may be entirely consistent with some Sambahsa grammatical rules, like the Von Wahl rules :
Impulsion = in + pulg + (von Walr rule lg > ls ) + tion
Incomprehension = in + comprehend + (von Wahl rule : d > s) + tion
Incredible = in + credi(h) + ble = incredible, unbelievable
Inexspecten = in + ex + specte + -n = inexspectet = unexpected
Perceptible = percep + t + ible = perceptible
The agent suffix is in “-tor”, a final unstressed “e” turns to “a”.
Blaspheme > blasphemator = to blaspheme > blasphemer
Compounds from Sinitic languages :
Bfu + gwaukan = bfugwaukan = undecided
Adjectives from other adjectives :
“-er” is, as in English, the comparative
khaker = khak + er = worse
sud + er = suder = more to the south
A few adjectives or adverbs ending in a vowel use “-ter”.
Ex: diu > diuter = longer (in time)
“sub” + adjective of color = English –ish.
Subgehlb = yellowish
Adjectives from nouns :
The suffix “-eus” corresponds to English “ous”
Mysterieus = mysterious
Ex: Sambahsa “lik” = English “like”/”ly” (as an adjective)
Aschlik = asch + lik = ash-like
The suffix “-(e)n” means “made of”
Dreu > dreun = wooden
Tegule > tegulen = made of tiles
The suffix “-ic” corresponds to English “-ye”
Glehdj > glehdjic = ice > icy
The suffix “isk” corresponds more or less to English “-ish” :
Goilisk = mocking
The suffix “-went” means “endowed with, -ful” :
Ptorwent = ptor + went = feathered
Skadhwent = skadh + went = shadowy
The suffix “worts” corresponds to English “wards” :
Ghomworts = downwards
Sudworts = southwards
Adverbs from nouns :
“a-“ as a prefix can work as in English :
abord = a + bord = abord
acap = a + cap = ahead
atopp = a + topp = atop
“ho-“ as a prefix means “this” with a temporal noun.
“hovesper” = ho + vesper = tonight, this evening
“tos” as a suffix means “from”
“dextos” = from the right.
“tro” as a suffix means “direction to”
“dalgtro” = dalg + tro = far (with a move), into the distance
“intro” = In + tro = into, inside
“retro” = re(gv) + tro = back(wards)
“tetro” = te(r) + tro = to there, thither
Nouns from adjectives :
Some adjectives can form the corresponding noun by undergoing an ablaut and adding –e.
Chald > chielde = hot > heat
Chepran > chepriene = lively > liveliness
Hayran > hayriene = astounded > astonishment
Lughav > lughieve = perfidious > perfidiousness
Strak > strieke = tired > tiredness
Warm > wierme =warm > warmth
Other suffixes exist, like –tat (mostly after adjectives from Romance languages)
Febrile > febrilitat = febrile > febrility
Pur > purtat = pure > purity
Nouns from other nouns :
“in” is the feminine suffix :
reiderinen = reid (to ride) + er (agent suffix) + in (feminine suffix) + en (genitive plural) = of female riders.
When the noun ends with “-i”, the “i” is dropped and replaced with “nia”
Jenchi = warrior; jenchnia + s =jenchnias = female warriors
“ga” (prefix) + “-os” (suffix) indicates a group of things with a negative meaning :
gastieupnos = ga + stieup(e)n (step) + os = (bad) stairs
Nouns from verbs :
A very easy verb to get action names from verbs (mostly of IE origin) is to add the suffix –en, just as we do in English with the suffix “-ing”.
Tweis > tweisen = sparkle > sparkling
As in English, adding “-er” to a verb makes a noun of agent.
Plunder = plunderers (note that the Sambahsa noun must always indicate predictably the place of the stress).
Swindel = swindler = swindler
Verbal compounds :
“ab-“ :
= English “off”.
Abbohr = ab + bohr (past tense of “behr”) = carried away
Abcurs = ab + curr (past tense of “curr”) = ran away
Abgaloppam = ab + galopp + am = we rode away
Abgires = ab + gires (infinitive of “geir”) = to turn back
Ablit = ab + lit (past tense of “leit”) = went off
Abpieursk = ab + pieursk (past tense of “paursk”) = went off to fetch
Abpluk = ab + pleuk (past tense of “pleuk”) = flew off
Abrides = ab + rides (infinitive of “reid”) = to ride off
Abwohgh = ab + wohgh (past tense of “wehgh”) = to drive off
= “to become”
maimourasco = maimour (encharged) + asc + o (1° pers. sing. present tense) = I take care
slabasct = slab + asc + t = is getting weak
“bi-“ :
This prefix means “to begin/start (doing)”
Bi + curs (past tense of “curr”) = bicurs = began to run
Bi + despere + im = bidesperim = I began to despair
Bi + er (past tense of “erem”) + am = we began to row
Bi + ghieng (past tense of “ghang”) = bighieng = began to walk; bighanct = begun to walk
Bi + gnoh + s (sigmatic aorist) + im = bignohsim = I began to know, I got acquainted with
Bi + gnur (past tense of “gneur”) = bignur = began to gurgle
Bi + hul (past tense of “heul”) = began to yell
Bi + hungher (past tense of “heungher”) = bihungher = began to be hungry
Bi + meje + nd + -ye = by beginning to eat (“while I was beginning to eat...”)
Bi + rus = birus = began to crackle
Bi + schawngdan + end = beginning to discourage
Bi + sgwes (past tense of “sgwesen”) = bisgwes = began to go out (light)
Bi + stigh (past tense of “steigh”) + am = we began to climb
Bi + stris (past tense of “strid”) = bistris = began to hiss
Bi + styr + t = bistyrt = begun to steer
“des-“ :
Indicates the contrary.
Desois = des + ois (past tense of “oid”) = deflated
“dus-“ :
= English “ill, badly”
Duslites = dus + lites (infinitive of “leit”) = to be unwell.
Duswohrt = dus + wohrt (past tense of “wehrt”) = to turn ill
“-eih” :
X-eih = to make X
Arrestihes = infinitive of “arresteih” = to make arrest
Boderiht = boder (deaf) + ih + t (past participle) = deafened
Ceddihes = cedd + ihes (infinitive) = to make give in
Endergwehmeihndo = endergwehme (to take refuge) + eih + nd + o = causing to take refuge
Entrih = entre + ih = made enter
Feugeihnd = feug + eih + nd = making flee
Jambihes = jamb + ihes (infinitive) = to make stride over
Judcihes = infinitive of “judceih” = to make judge
Kyalbehndiht = kyal + behnd + ih + t = made (someone) jailed into a room
Marloubihn = marloub + ih + n = defeated
Myehrsihes = infinitive of “myehrseih” = to make forget
Oislidihsit = oi + slid + ih + s + it = (he/she/it) made slide
Verbs with an ablaut “ei” turn it to “i” for reasons of euphony.
Platih = plat + ih = made flat, flattened
Pohihes = poh + ihes = to made drink
Rundiht = rund + ih + -t (past participle = rounded, made round
Salgeihnd-ye = salg + eih + nd + -ye = by taking out
Salgihes = infinitive of “salgeih” = to take out of (to make go out of)
Salgih = took out of
Spasserihes = infinitive of “spassereih” = to take for a walk/ride outside
Sreuihsit = sreu + ih + s + it = made flow
As factitives preserve the accusative of the original verb, they often work with double accusatives.
“en-“ :
Before a noun, means “to put in”.
Ex: “endamier”, past tense of “endamar” = en + damar “bowstring” = to nock (an arrow); past participle : endamart
Enkasrit = en + kasre (from “kasra” = rout) + it = (he/she/it) routed (transitive)
Enwede = en + wed + e = to put into water
“For-“ :
If “for-“ and the reflexive pronoun is added to a verb, it gives to this verb the meaning “away, astray”.
Ex: for + leit (to go [figurative meaning]) = se forleit
“forleitend-se” = going astray
“forsafert” = travelled astray
“forsciss” = for + sciss (past participle of “scinesd”) = with a plunging neckline
“forwandert” = wandered astray
“mis-“ :
= English “mis-“
mistreusend = mis + treus + end = mistrustful, mistrusting
mistrust = mistrust(ed)
“muta-“ :
Means “change of”
Mutaplacit = muta + place + it = (he/she/it) changed of place
“na-“ :
“continuative” = “to keep on (doing)
naghieng = na + ghieng = kept on walking
nalehge = na + lehg + e = to keep on telling
namejim = na + meje + im = I kept on having my meal
napluk = na + pluk (past tense of “pleuk”) = kept on flying
naspehcend = na + spehc + end = keeping on looking at
nastohmbam = na + stohmb (past tense of “stehmb”) + am = we kept on stalking
naswigh = na + swigh (past tense of “sweigh”) = remained silent
natrehce = na + trehc + e = to keep on moving oneself
natieyc = na + tieyc (past tense of “tayc”) = remained silent
navibrit = na + vibre + it = kept on vibrating
“ni-“ :
means “down”, often in a figurative meaning
nifiell = ni + fiell (past tense of “fall”) = fell down
“re-“ :
= English “re-“, again, back.
Rebrighen = re + brigh + en = brought back
Redahsim = re + dah + s + im = I gave back
Remsim = r(e) + em + s + im = I took back
Reklohng = re + klohng = folded back
Renfalle = r(e) + enfall + e = to come to mind
Renkardkiesch = r(e) + en + kardkiesch (past tense of “kardkasch”) = put back in its sheath.
Reskape = re + skap + e = to go off again
Restahe = re + stah + e = to stand back
Restahsit = re + stah + s + it = stood back
Restieusim = re + stieu + s + im = I stood back upright
Revide = re + vid + e = to see back
Revidsiemos = re + vid + siemos = we will see back
The “s-mobile” :
This was an IE verbal prefix whose function is still unclear. In Sambahsa, it has merged with the prefix “ois” (roughly corresponding to English “off”) so much that an “oi” is often added to verbs beginning with “s” + consonant, for reasons of euphonics.
Oiskeirlisit = oi + skeir + lis + it = (he/she/it) skimmed through
Oismeihnd-ye = oi + smeih + nd + -ye = by smiling
Oisper = oi + sper = past tense of “speren” = to spur
Oispohc = oi + spohc = past tense of “spehc” = to look
Oisroht = oi + sroht = past tense of “sreht” = to stir.
Oistabht = oi + stabht (past participle of “stamebh”) = hindered
Oistahnd-ye = oi + stah + nd + -ye = by standing
Oistahsit = oi + stah + s + it = (he/she/it) stood
Oistehmend-ye = oi + stehm + end + -ye = by supporting
Oistigh = oi + stigh = past tense of “steigh” = to go up
Oistrohc = oi + strohc = past tense of “strehc” = to extend ; oistrohcit = (he/she/it) extended
Oiswehbhe = oi + swehbh + e = to hover
Oiswohrt = oi + swohrt (past participle of “swehr”) = sworn
“(oi)s” is otherwise the opposite to “en-“ (see above) :
sdamarnd-ye = s + damar + nd + -ye = by shooting (an arrow)
“sua-“ :
= English “well”
suabeluct = sua + beluct (past participle of “beleuc”) = well lit
suadaken = sua + daken = well received
suadrughes = sua + drughes (infinitive of “dreugh”) = to betray well
suaguardet = sua + guarde + t = well guarded
suahissaben = sua + hissab + en = well reckoned
suamodelen = sua + model + en = well-shaped
suanihes = sua + nihes, infinitive of “neih” = to guide well
suaprimen = sua + primen (past participle of “preim”) = well received
suawoid = sua + woid = to know well
“vi-“ :
= “finally, eventually”
viarrivam = vi + arrivam = we finally arrived
viarrivit = vi + arrivit = (he/she/it) finally arrived
vicess = vi + cess (past tense of “cedd”) = finally gave way
viexstirpit = vi + exstirpe + it = (he/she/it) finally removed
vilikw = vi + likw (past tense of “linekw”) = finallt left
virup = vi + rup (past tense of “rumep”= finally broke
“za-“ :
Indicates the end of an action.
Zaghyien = za + ghyien (past tense of “ghyan”) = closed again (“stopped opening”)
Zamejim = za + meje + im = I finished my meal
The iterative :
It works with some verbs of IE origin. The central vowel turns to “o”, and “-ye” is suffixed. It means that some action is kept on being performed after an interruption. (While “re-“ implies that the action may be performed again from the very beginning).
Ex : kwehre mien itner = to make my way
Kwohrye mien itner = to keep on making my way (after a halt, an interruption)
Reid > roidye = to keep on riding (after an interruption)
The desiderative :
= to want to, to plan.
“-skw” is suffixed to the verb.
Aurskwo = aur + skw + o = I want to hear
Leurskws = leur + skw + s = (you) want to set free
Sielvskwim = sielv (past tense of “salv”) + skw + im = I wanted to save
The durative :
Expressed by the suffix “neu” added to the verb. It corresponds to the English “present perfect” used in conjunction with “since, for”.
Antslehnkneuvs = antslehnk + neu + vs (past infinitive) = to have developped.
Schleivneun = schleiv + neu + n = polished
Submittneut = submitt + neu + t = has submitted
The eventive :
“not to stop doing, to keep on doing”. This tense is obtained by duplicated the first letter(s) of the verbal stem and inserting “i” or “ei”. Its past tense (“imperfect” = English progressive past) uses a prefix, the “augment” = “ee(-)”
gwah (to go) > eegwigwaht = ee + gwi (reduplication) + gwah + t = (he/she/it) was (always) going, kept on going. (in recent PIE : égwegwât)
gwigwahnden = gwi + gwah + nd + en = of (people) who were going to and fro.
Prepositions :
“kye” means “towards, in the direction of”. It often merges with th following pronoun or article.
Kya = kye + ia = towards the(m)
Kyalters = kye + alter + s = in the direction of the others
Kyam = kye + iam = towards her, towards the (+ feminin noun)
Kyun = kye + un = in the direction of a(n)
Special conjunction “ghi” :
It is an “enclitic”, which means that it is often suffixed to the first word of the clause. It either means “indeed, then” or “for, because”.
Edghi = ed + ghi = and for, and indeed
Idghi = for the/it
Ioghi = io + ghi = for I, I indeed
Isghi = is + ghi = for (t)he...
Mighi = mi + ghi =for to me...
Oinghi = oin + ghi = for one...
“yaschi” :
Means “also, too”.
When used alone, “-schi” works like a clitic :
Betschi = bet + (ya)schi = but... too
Edschi = ed + (ya)schi = and... too
New words :
Carpent = framework of a coach; Gaulish root, found in French “charpente” and based on the same word as English “car”.
Bregna = (plural neutral) = “freckles”
Kaput = (!) bust, lost ; from German “kaputt !”
Chaste = chaste
Opportunist = opportunist
Progredd = to progress ; progreddent = they progress; progreddend = progressing
Pampas-grasa = pampas-grass (plural)
Diffus (past tense of “diffuned”) = diffuse
Sambahsa expressions :
(ses) con id atmen ei os = (to be) at the end of one’s tether.
Dank spollay = thank you very much
tib est oiscript = it is your doom = (your doom) to you is written.
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