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Sambahsa exercises in English

Page history last edited by Mundialecter 14 years ago



Before beginning these exercises, be sure to fully master the SPT (Sambahsa Phonetic Transcription)  in 1-1 of the Grammar. All Sambahsa texts will be transcribed into SPT so that you can exercise your pronounciation of this auxlang. If you are in a situation where you cannot speak aloud (ex: train, bus), you can replace your reading of Sambahsa by your tentative transcription of the exercise sentences into SPT.



1st Exercise : Pronounciation (read Section 1 of the Grammar before making this exercise)


Pronounce the following Sambahsa sentences:


1-     Gwahnt id theatre : they go to the theatre

2-     Quando has tu likwn id restaurant ? : when did you leave the restaurant ?

3-     Yaghskwo forels : I want to catch some trout

4-     Sei prefers gwahe id Rusk Ballett hoyd, gwahms cras id kino : If you prefer going to the Russian Ballet today, we’ll go to the (cinema) theatre tomorrow.

5-     Is baht franceois difficil-ye, bet meg suapretet id : He speaks French with difficulty, but understands it very well

6-     Is hat bright un douzen oiven : He has brought a dozen eggs

7-     Quer has tu gnahn ? : Where were you born ?

8-     Volo construge her un garage : I want to build a garage here



2nd Exercise : Pronouns & Declension (read Section 2 of the Grammar)


Put the missing pronouns into the sentences in Sambahsa :


1-     .. statue vidmos face nos est ... .. Atatürk : The statue we see in front of us is the one (that) of Atatürk.

2-     .. wir hat gwohmto do .. dukan con ... pwarn : The man has come into the shop with the boy.

3-     Ho gwohmt ex France kay vide ... fiancee …. mater hat trohven pro .. : I have come from France to see the fiancée my mother has found for me.

4-     . nowngmins eebringhe extos ... products kay pehrne .. urbi tris ye hevd : The peasants used to bring from outside their produce to sell it downtown thrice a week

5-     .. volt od .. kwehrte .. hoyd : He wants that you do that today



3rd Exercise : Conjugation (read section 3 of the Grammar):


Conjugate the verbal stems :


1-     Quetos (gwehm) tu ? (Gwehm) ex Paris, ex id Latin quartier : Where do you come from ? I come from Paris, from the Quartier Latin.

2-     Ne (habe) id wakt os (kaup) un swadglehdj : We don’t have the time to buy an ice-cream

3-     Ghes (ses) sieug bet hoyd (leit) wal : Yesterday we were sick but today we’re fine.

4-     Tu (ghang) in id medio ios strad, (kleuster) tien walkman : You walked on the street, listening to your walkman.

5-     (Repeteih) ielg lection kay ne (myehrs) : I repeat each lesson in order not to forget.

6-     Pon id weir ia (weik) in America : Since the war she has lived in America

7-     Io ne (woid) quetro (gwah) : I don’t know where they go

8-     Tiel pos Mund Weir Dwo, Nederland (xeih) riche colonias, hassa in Sudeust Asia, con qua id (torgue) : Until after WWII, the Netherlands possessed rich colonies, with which they traded.



4th Exercise : Past participles (this exercises focuses more especially on 3-2-1 and -2)


Conjugate the verbal stems :


1-      Ho (rhalt) de te ed me has (dreugh) : I have been mistaken about you and you have deceived me.

2-      Yu habte (arrive) dom ye midnoct : You’ve come home at midnight.

3-      Has tu (leus) alyo bril ep id meithel : Have you lost some other glasses on the main square ?

4-      Quod orbat has tu (kwehr) ? : Which work have you done ?

5-      Has tu (vid) tod film ? : Have you seen that movie ?



5th Exercise : Numbers (section 4-6)


Write in letters the numbers :


1-     Wehst in Portstrad, adadh 17, ye id 8im etage, 2t levter dwer : He is located on Port Street, number 17, on the 8th floor, second door on the left

2-     Tod hammam est ghyant pon 9 saat tiel id vesper : This hammam is open from 9 o’clock until the evening.

3-     Ho ja kalt iom ...., bet is refusit gwehme in : I’ve already called him twice, but he refused to come in.

4-     Ia est 15at : She’s 15.







1st Exercise : Pronounciation:


1)     Gwahnt id theatre : [gwa:nt id §ëAtrë] 


“th” must be pronounced [§] but turns to [t] when it stands before or after a sibillant.  


2)     Quando has tu likwn id restaurant ? :  [kwAndo has tu lIkun id rëstaorAnt]


As a consonant, “w” is like a short unstressed [u]. “au” is always [Ao] except “eau” which is [o:]


3)     Yaghskwo forels : [yAgskwo forEls]


Words in “oCel” are stressed on the “e”. Examples:  hotel, colonel, personel...


4)     Sei prefers gwahe id Rusk Ballett hoyd, gwahms cras id kino : [sey prëfErs gwa: id rusk balEt hoyd, gwa:ms kras id kIno] 


“prefers” is stressed on “fers” because “pre” is a prefix, which can never be stressed. The double “t” of “ballett” indicates that the stress must fall on the vowel before.


5)     Is baht franceois difficil-ye, bet meg suapretet id : [is ba:t frantsëOys difItsil-ye, bet meg swaprEtët id] 


Some sounds can be unpronounced before they would be nearly unnoticed if they were. “c” is [ts] before e, i or y. A final “il” is unstressed.  



6)     Is hat bright un douzen oiven : [is hat brigd un dU:dzën Oyvën] 


The “t” of “bright” ought to be pronounced [d] because of the “gh” before. “z” is always [dz] and “ou” is always [u:].  



7)     Quer has tu gnahn ? : [ker has tu nya:n] 


“qu” is [k] before e, i and y. “gn” is always [ny]


8)     Volo construge her un garage : [vOlo konstrÜdj her un garAdj] 


« u » is pronounced [ü] if one of the two following letters of the word is « e ». “g” is pronounced [dj] before e, i and y.  





2nd Exercise : Pronouns & Declension


1-     Id statue vidmos face nos est tod os Atatürk : The statue is neutral while “os” agrees with Atatürk.


2-     Is wir hat gwohmto do id dukan con iom pwarn : The man and the boy are masculine. The preposition “con” triggers, like all other prepositions, the accusative. “Dukan” is neutral.


3-     Ho gwohmt ex France kay vide iam fiancee mien(a) mater hat trohven pro me : “iam” is the feminine singular accusative. Likewise, “me” is at the accusative. “Mien” is “my”, and can be added the ending of the euphonic vocalisation (here, “a” = feminine singular nominative)


4-     I nowngmins eebringhe extos ir(a) products kay pehrne ia urbi tris ye hevd : The peasants can be both masculine and feminine; therefore “i” (plural undetermined). “Their” is “ir”. Beware that “products” is a plural in Sambahsa; hence use “them” = “ia”.


5-     Is volt od yu kwehrte to hoyd : “He” is “is”. The ending of “kwehrte” shows that the “plural of courtesy” is used. Then use “yu”. “To” is the general neutral prnoun, referring to a whole situation, not to a precise thing.


Exercise 2 bis : Pronounce (or write in SPT) the sentences above.



3rd Exercise : Conjugation


1-     Quetos gwehms tu ? Gwehmo ex Paris, ex id Latin quartier. 

2-     Ne habmos/hams id wakt os kaupe un swadglehdj. 

3-     Ghes eem(o)s sieug bet hoyd leitmos wal. 

4-     Tu ghieng/ghiencst(a) in id medio ios strad, kleusternd(-ye) tien walkman. 

5-     Repeteihm ielg lection kay ne myehrse.

6-     Pon id weir ia weikneut in America :  

(The use of the literary durative is here the best way to render the English present perfect)

7-     Io ne woid(im) quetro gwahnt :  

(“woid” is irregular; see the Grammar)

8-     Tiel pos Mund Weir Dwo, Nederland xih(sit) riche colonias, hassa in Sudeust Asia, con qua id torguit : 

(In Sambahsa, “Nederland” is singular; “torguesit” may be acceptable).


Exercise 3 bis : Pronounce (or write in SPT) the sentences above.



4th Exercise : Past participles :


1-     Ho rhalt(en) de te ed me has drught/drughen. 

2-     Yu habte arrivet/arriven dom ye midnoct.

3-     Has tu lust/lusen alyo bril ep id meithel ?

4-     Quod orbat has tu kwohrt/kwohrn ?  

5-     Has tu vis/viden tod film ?  


Exercise 4 bis : Pronounce (or write in SPT) the sentences above.



5th Exercise : Numbers


1-     Wehst in Portstrad, adadh septdem, ye id octim etage, dwot levter dwer. 

2-     Tod hammam est ghyant pon nev saat tiel id vesper. 

3-     Ho ja kalt iom dwis/dwo kers, bet is refusit gwehme in. 

4-     Ia est penkdemat. 


Exercise 5 bis : Pronounce (or write in SPT) the sentences above.



Exercise 2 bis:


1-     Id statue vidmos face nos est tod os Atatürk : [id statÜ : vIdmos fAtsë nos est_tod os atatÜrk] 


2-     Is wir hat gwohmto do id dukan con iom pwarn : [is wir hat gwO:mto do id dukAn kon yom pwarn] 


3-     Ho gwohmt ex France kay vide iam fiancee mien(a) mater hat trohven pro me : [ho gwo:mt eks frAntsë kay vid yam fyantsEë myEn(a) mAtër hat trO:vën pro me] 


4-     I nowngmins eebringhe extos ir(a) products kay pehrne ia urbi tris ye hevd : [i nowngmIns eëbrIng Ekstos Ir(a) prodUkts kay pe:rn ya Urbi tris ye hevd] 


5-     Is volt od yu kwehrte to hoyd : [is volt od yu kwE:rtë to hoyd] 



Exercise 3 bis :


1-     Quetos gwehms tu ? Gwehmo ex Paris, ex id Latin quartier : [kEtos gwe :ms tu ? gwE :mo eks parIs, eks id latIn kwartyEr] (Names of persons or places do not necessarily follow the Sambahsa rules)

2-     Ne habmos/hams id wakt os kaupe un swadglehdj : [në hAbmos/hams id wakt os kAop un swadglE :dj] 

3-     Ghes eem(o)s sieug bet hoyd leitmos wal : [ges Eëm(o)s syög bet hoyd lEytmos wal] 

4-     Tu ghieng/ghiencst(a) in id medio ios strad, kleusternd(-ye) tien walkman : [tu gyeng/gyEnkst(a) in id mEdyo yos strad, klÖstërnd(-ye) tyen walkmAn] 

5-     Repeteihm ielg lection kay ne myehrse : [rëpëtE:ym yelg lëktyOn kay në mye:rs] 

6-     Pon id weir ia weikneut in America : [pon id weyr ya weyknÖt in amErika] 

7-     Io ne woid(im) quetro gwahnt : [yo në wOyd(im) kEtro gwa:nt] 

8-     Tiel pos Mund Weir Dwo, Nederland xih(sit) riche colonias, hassa in Sudeust Asia, con qua id torguit : [tyel pos mund weyr dwo, nEdërland ksI:(sit) ritc kolOnyas, hAsa in südÖst Azya, kon kwa id torgwIt]



Exercise 4 bis :


1-     Ho rhalt(en) de te ed me has drught/drughen : [ho rhAlt(ën) dë te ed më has drugd/drUgën] 

2-     Yu habte arrivet/arriven dom ye midnoct : [yu habd arrIvd/arrIvën dom ye midnOkt] 

3-     Has tu lust/lusen alyo bril ep id meithel ? : [has tu lust/lÜzën Alyo bril ep id mEy§ël ?] 

4-     Quod orbat has tu kwohrt/kwohrn ? : [kwod orbAt has tu kwo:rt/kwo:rn ?] 

5-     Has tu vis/viden tod film ? : [has tu vis/vIzën tod film ?] 




Exercise 5 bis:


1-     Wehst in Portstrad, adadh septdem, ye id octim etage, dwot levter dwer. : [we:st in portstrAd, adAd sEpdëm, ye id Oktim etAdj, dwot lEvtër dwer] 

5-     Tod hammam est ghyant pon nev saat tiel id vesper. : [tod hammAm est gyant pon nev saAt tyel id vEspër] 

6-     Ho ja kalt iom dwis/dwo kers, bet is refusit gwehme in : [ho ja kalt yom dwis/dwo kers, bet is rëfUzit gwe:m in] 

7-     Ia est penkdemat. : [ya est pënkdëmAt] 



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