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This page lists links to "vocabulary keys", i.e. to small lexicons elaborated with the "Wordle" software and which indicate the most widespread words in the major texts that have been translated into Sambahsa:
Vocabulary key to "Ithacus is Calator"
Vocabulary key to "Ia Rings os Kether"
Vocabulary key to "Id Villa im Yowrleings"
Vocabulary key to "Deusker quem Temos"
Vocabulary key to "Khiters ed Klehpters"
Vocabulary key to "id Archipelegv iom Cyclops"
Vocabulary key to "Philippe is Revolutionar"
Vocabulary key to "Shadakis boucaniers"
"Angst Muraisch"
"Ia dugter ios Khalifa"
"argwrnta ptergs"
"Id ultim reincarnation"
"Heuls ios Wolfander"
"Ghalven Moni"
"Id Sehrgmask"
"Is mighelekwot wir"
"Khianat in Helmsdeub"
"Noct im Nazguls"
Vocabulary Key to "Tsay do Greisghilde"
Id Oiv os Feerie
Id Mier Antsalg
Un spion in Isengard
Gheslum oina meinyuns
Id hungher os Sejanoz
Chiaujaens & Charmens
Talisman os Mohrt
Ia Banen Dwors
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Sambahsa-English dictionary
Sambahsa Dictionary for Windows
Sambahsa Reference Document
Full Grammar of Sambahsa in English (pdf)
Sambahsa exercises in English
Exercises on Orthography and Accentuation
IPA Sambahsa phonetics
"Vocabulary keys" to some Sambahsa texts
Grammaire du sambahsa-mundialect en français
Proverbs ed poesis in sambahsa-mundialect
Smulk mundialect parler
Exempels tarjten textes
Tarjems texten ex id net
Sambahsa primer in English
Illustret werdskaut
Arab harifs in sambahsa
Khanjis in Sambahsa
Origine du vocabulaire sambahsa
International meid unitats in Sambahsa
Sambahsa verbal decoder
Irregular verbs in penk bahsas
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